Analisa Berbagai Opsi Investasi Dalam Pandangan Islam
Saya sedang mempertimbangkan, investasi apa yang bisa dijalankan oleh seorang Muslim. Mudah-mudahan hasil analisa ini bermanfaat.
Conflicting Dependencies When Developing JetBrains Plugins
The dreaded dependency management of Java - JetBrains IDE already contains its own set of dependencies like ktor and coroutines. When you bring in an external library that also depends on one of these libraries, it can cause conflicts and break things.
Rewriting The Site Again
The third time's the charm, right? I decided to migrate the site to Astro and reduce so many things that I barely have time to maintain.
Embracing Improvements
From advocating against Tailwind to embracing it. What's stopping developers from opening their mind about other technologies?
On Nested CSS
Why the way we use nested CSS selector is wrong, and how to properly use it.
This Site Was Broken and I Didn't Even Realized It
Someone told me that they can't open this website and I thought it was just cross browser issue. But it was something else.
Of LeetCode, I
I decided to brush up my programming skills with LeetCode and it feels "weird".
Migrating from Medium
I finished migrating all of my Medium post to this website. I will explain how I did it.
Google Memories
If memories lie in the brain, why does it hurt so much in the heart? Join me as I travel through time using Google Maps.
HTML and CSS Only Blobs
Creating a blob effect using HTML and CSS only.
Reasonable Pull Request - Writing an Effective and Meaningful Pull Request Description
The reviewer should be able to understand the changes directly from the description without going through the file changes.
Meat and Cheese
Have you ever eaten a cheeseburger and then noticed that the taste of the meat got subdued by the taste of the cheese? I’ve had.
Playtune — The Story Behind
How my longing feeling of an old and discontinued game encouraged me to build Playtune.app — a rhythm game that can play any YouTube…
The Privilege of the Non-Indebted
If I am about to put myself into the strangling chain of debt. Do I have enough strength to break free from it?
Building ThatSkyWish — The importance of kindness during hardships
The story behind ThatSkyWish — a place to send anonymous heartwarming letters to persons you cared about.
Why I Stopped Using Dark Mode
Dark Mode Induces “Hallucination” — That’s why your code has more bugs than ever.
Cooking The Perfect Instant Noodle With Soup
If you asked me, React or Vue. Then the answer is clearly instant noodles.
The Logic of Position Reordering
The logic behind how Position Reordering of a list or array works — and why it might not be as simple as what you might have thought.
Creating a Shared and Cached Fetch Request
How to reuse fetch call and cache the result across multiple components
Staying Grateful and Productive During a Pandemic
How Coronavirus become the catalyst of change and how it affects software engineer.
Berkenalan Dengan Libuv, Inti Dalam Node
Berkenalan dengan Libuv, library C yang menerapkan konsep event loop yang digunakan oleh Node.
React dan TypeScript — Kombinasi Untuk Pengembangan yang Lebih Mudah
Bagaimana kita menggunakan React dan TypeScript di Kata.ai dan kenapa kita menyukainya.
Sense of Control
Ramadhan is a special month for Moslem. During this special month, adult Moslem, who were healthy; mentally and physically; must fast.
To Kill a Mistake
What would you do, if someone made a mistake? Will you kill the man? Or will you kill the mistake?
Berkenalan dengan ANTLR untuk Membuat Bahasa Bot Engine Sederhana
Dengan ANTLR, kita bisa membuat bahasa pemrograman kita sendiri dengan lebih mudah karena ANTLR membantu kita membuat lexer dan parsernya.
Dan Aku Berdoa, Dengan Segala Kekuranganku
Perbaikilah urusan kami, dan jangan Engkau serahkan kepada kami walau hanya dalam sekejap mata.
In Search of Passion
I used to think that passion is something that you have to find, but I was wrong.
Hard Work — How I Become a Software Engineer.
It took me years to become a software engineer like what I am now. I spent my afternoon learning, and my nights practicing.
Fix for Google Maps and FCM Conflict on Ionic
Google Maps and FCM on Ionic does not work well together, they have different shared dependencies version, and it does cause a lot of mess.
Software Engineer, Blacksmith of The Binaries
We tend to think that software engineer is an architect, or an artist
Writing Better Redux’s Code with TypeScript
TypeScript typings power, when used properly, could help us write better code. This article is about how to use TypeScript type system with Redux.
Is OOP Dead?
Well, no.
Passion dan Pekerjaan
Hampir setiap orang pasti berusaha memilih apa yang dia senangi untuk pekerjaannya. Dengan kata lain, mereka ingin mengejar passion mereka…
Password, Fingerprint, Face ID — Mana Yang Lebih Aman?
Beberapa tahun terakhir ini, kebanyakan perangkat mobile sudah dilengkapi dengan sensor fingerprint yang mumpuni. Dekat-dekat ini muncul…
How To Deal With Interpersonal Conflict
Within our daily interaction with people, we expect things to go out of control. People don’t always have the same interest, and this could…
CSS `position` in a Nutshell
Newcomer to CSS would find themselves having trouble understanding about CSS position property. They would be confused on what to use, is…
Vue and React Side by Side
I have been learning React for the past few days, and coming from Vue background, I would like to put a compilation of Vue and React code…
Publishing Ionic Apps on Android
I had this assignment to publish Ionic app on Android. I did it before, but I always forgot how to do it properly. I am writing this as a…
Tips on Designing a Good Framework, Library, or Plugin — Part 2 — Architecture
After explaining why a bad documentation could ruin a good framework. I will explain about how to architect your framework properly that people can use your framework easily.
Tips on Designing a Good Framework, Library, or Plugin — Part 1 — Documentation
I have created numerous framework, mostly for internal use. From the experience, I learned on how to design a good framework, library, plugins, or anything that might be used by other developers.
HTMLX — Custom Elements Before It Was Cool
In 2011, I was learning web development as I attend my high school. At that time, we were learning basics of HTML. So we learned stuffs…
UUID atau Auto Increment untuk Primary Key?
Beberapa orang atau perusahaan mungkin terbiasa menggunakan auto increment sebagai primary key untuk tabel database relasional. Selain…
Using Docker to Run a Simple Nginx Server
I just started to learn about docker, mostly because I love automation, and using Docker can help me automate testing and deployment stuff…
Creating CRUD with Vue/x+Laravel Component Responsible Model
Recently I tried to learn more about Vuex — Most of the time I worked without Vuex, mostly because I handle legacy project, and new project.
Using ADB on WiFi for Android Development
I used to struggle a lot when developing an Android application, mostly because the emulator is slow, and when using real device for…
Death — Its The End that Matters
Few days ago, my grandmother died.
How to Fail in Business
This is a personal story I experienced, and how this kind of experience is bad for your customer if you have a business.
Why Debating is Bad, Even if You can Win It
People love to share, I think it is just there since our birth. We shared bonds with our parents, then we share something else with someone…
My Experience Renewing Driving License on Different City in Indonesia
So, my driving license is about to expire, and I need to renew it before its too late. Because once its dead, it means I have to retake all…
Limited Resource Mindset — How it Helps Me Become a Better Developer.
Rather than trying to get as many resources I can, I think about how to do it with the only resources that I had. This mindset helps me understand more about software development.