Why Debating is Bad, Even if You can Win It

Posted in Life

Hear Me RoarPeople love to share, I think it is just there since our birth. We shared bonds with our parents, then we share something else with someone else.

Life is all about sharing, you share your sweat for foods, you share your food for smiles, you share your smile for happiness, and sometimes you share your opinions.

The thing about opinion is that some people want to hear it, some people do not. You can say that the moon emit its own light, and you can say that its not, some will care and some will not.

That is why, debating and defending your opinions is useless. There is always someone that will disagree with you. That is why I try to avoid debate at any cost if possible, simply because it is time consuming, and because the other person debating me does not actually care about my opinion.

People ask for debate purely out of one reason: To defeat you.

Even if you were right, those who asked to fight your opinions does not really care whether you were right or not, defending it would not help it.

Sharing is a good thing, when people asked you out of curiosity, they cared about your opinions. When you see that your opinion could be used in certain situation, feel free to share it. But when someone tried to attack your opinion, it is better to explain it just once why you have that opinion, and leave it be.

The case is the same if you were on the wrong position. Defending your wrong opinions would do no good, debating about it would just waste your time.

Avoid debate, even if you think you can win it, because your opponent see you as a loser already.

p.s some people might agree to this article, some might not.